I would love it if you would Add to this page!
I had never heard of this movie before until 1979 when I was 14 years old.
I had stayed up late on Dec. 23rd and decided to watch this Christmas movie
on TV. I started balling at the end (like most people watching it for the
first time) even though I did not think of myself as the type to cry from
a movie. I have tried to live my life as a Christian should, thinking of
others, and not getting caught up in the material things in life. God has
always blessed me although not in the way the world sees blessings. I have
since made it an annual tradition to sit down with my wife, kids, nieces
and newphes every year to watch IAWL. If only Hollywood would make more movies
like this based on faith.
Hey, really great site! For me, it's always a big pleasure to watch this
movie. I've seen it every year since 1994. It's shown here on the German
tv station ZDF always at the same time: December, 24th, at 0:45 at night.
I drink coffee, eat the last pieces of my birthday cake (my birthday is a
day earlier) and just enjoy once again the journey to Bedford Falls. And
well, I'm not an old man, just 24 years old. You're never to young to enjoy
this movie!
Neat site....great graphics and links. I love that great movie also. PLEASE
The whole film is just full of wonderful scenes fron the moment the title
start until the end. I just love those warm Bedford Falls characters. A perfect
evening for me is watching IAWL on a frosty night, around Christmas, with
my family around me and a log fire blazing. A good copy of the "George Lassos
the Moon" picture above the fireplace would make it perfect. Thank you Frank
Capra, as well as James Stewart and the rest of the cast, for creating and
being part of a wonderful movie, which is so inspiational in respect of the
real values we should all cherish.
I have watched this movie over and over my entire life. It always was fun
around Christmas to see the movie over and over on different channels here
in St. Louis, Mo. But my son, who is now 26 years old feels that it is the
greatest movie ever made. He literaly can quote each line all the way through
the movie. I have always felt that although most wouldn't agree with this
there should have been a sequal to the movie, continuing the story. I guess
it will always be left up to our Wonderful Life imaginations to wonder what
happened in the years to follow. thanks for the site, I enjoyed it very
This film knocks socks off any other film produced these days, production
values, storyline etc...this really is my favourite movie (it's really more
than a movie) of any other I've watched. First watched this when I was around
11 years old, and probably watched it five times a year for the 13 years
since..it does have a profound effect. The best thing is although it's a
'Christmassy' movie, the message is an all year one, which means you can
watch it whenever...especially when feeling low. Of course, the end is a
very special moment, and seeing all the friends inside George's house reminds
us that he IS the richest man in town (excluding the money)...fantastic.
Excellent site, cheers.
Its a wonderful life will always be there for young and old square and hip
alike. I must say that "E" got it wrong when they picked a christmas story
as no 1 classic holiday movie (2002). Give me a break its like comparing
a 427 AC to a vett. No way! it has to be Its A Wonderful Life!!!
Its a wonderful life will always be there for young and old square and hip
alike. I must say that "E" got it wrong when they picked a christmas story
as no 1 classic holiday movie (2002). Give me a break its like comparing
a 427 AC to a vett. No way! it has to be Its A Wonderful Life!!!
IAWL has been one of my favorite movies for as long as I can remember. I
would be hardpressed to specify any one part of it as my favorite.
I know the movie word for word, I have probably watched it 100 times. Its
good to watch any time of the year. I have a photo from the IAWL cast and
crew picnic of 1946 its autographed by Karolyn Grimes (Zuzu). Merry Christmas
I have been watching IAWL since I was a kid, and at the time never knew I
was watching an ultimate classic movie. I had the privilege in 1997 along
with my 3 1/2 yr old son at the time to meet Karolyn at her house when she
lived in Kansas. I was stationed with the Navy in Kasas City, MO. She is
such a wonderful, warm and caring person. My son and I had such a wonderful
visit with her. We had the opportunity to see her IAWL Bedford Falls town
collection. I was so nervous meeting her because, even though she is not
making movies anymore, she will always be a movie star to me. I am a classic
movie buff and write to and collect autographed pictures of movie stars.
Most of the stars I write to are from the 30's-50's. I have the honor of
having 2 personally autographed pictures from Jimmy Stewart. I took those
photos with me and showed Karolyn and she told me those were his autographs.
He also answered his own fan mail. I also have a personally autographed picture
w/letter from Carol Coombs-Mueller. Christmas is not Christmas without watching
IAWL. It is a movie that will be passed down from one generation to the next
and live on in our hearts forever. A true family classic movie that you never
get too old to watch. There is always someting each time you watch the movie
and see something different that you may not have noticed before. My son
is growing up on IAWL. He may not appreciate it now, but I now in a few years
he will.
I first saw this movie in 1971 or 1972, right after it had been released
for free broadcast. I was probably 7 or 8 at the time. I've Been hooked ever
since. When I'm down, I can pop in the tape, and whether it's July or January,
hope returns and I'm able to carry on. This year I'm 38, the same age Jimmy
Stewart was when he made the movie in 1946. It bothers me a little. My favorite
part of the movie is, of course, the bell ringing, the inscription in the
book, and Jimmy saying "atta boy, Clarence." Gets me every time. It's getting
me now, just writing it. SNIFF.
Like so many people, IAWL and its message of hope and reassurance carried
me through a very difficult period of my life. Although I knew the movie
from childhood it wasn't until I was in early 30's that I really understood
George Bailey's anguish. But the stark realization that the world might be
a very different place had I never been born and that the world would never
have known the joy that my children bring to so many people brought me the
"moment of clarity" (Friends of Bill W. will know what I'm talking about)
that I so desperately needed. Over a decade later this is still my favorite
movie of all time. I even carry the script and some graphics in my Palm Pilot
all the year round. While every second of this picture is precious to me,
my favorite moment is when George and Mary are in front of the Granville
house after the dance, and George offers to lasso the moon for Mary "...and
then you can swallow it, and the moonbeams will shoot out you fingers and
your hair and .... say.... am I talking too much?" (from memory) This captures
almost perfectly the moment I fell in love with my wonderful wife of 17 years.
Nuf Sed
I tear up during many moments in the movie so it's hard to pick a favorite
moment, I love the whole thing, especially after George decides he wants
to be alive again, I love the ending.
Thank you so much for making such a wonderful website for the fans of "It's
A Wonderful Life " to enjoy! I am a young 28 year old wife and mother whom
have this film since my first time watching. It has increasingly become more
enjoyable and fascinating! I see something new each time I watch. Unfortunatlely,
it has been decreasing aired in Chicago over the years. I hope to be able
to purchase my own copy to view whenever I want.
This is my favorite movie of all-time. I watch I've watched it every christmas
for the last 15 years or so. The film helps me appreciate how I've been
'blessed'. My favorite scene is when George finally gets home, kisses his
kids, and tramples down the stairs with his kids draped all over him. It's
pure love. Thank you IWL.
my son and i have watched this movie for 25 years together now his three
daughters watch it with us
Every Christmas I must watch IAWL with eggnog or it's not Christmas to me!!
I have to watch it after Thanksgiving day Not Before or the Tape gets messed
up!! I don't know why!! I have tryed to watch it twice! Once Before Thanksgiving
and once with out eggnog and the tape was distoried in the Player! I LOVE
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE!! If I'm ever having 2nd thoughs about life I think
about this movie and I know Oneday it will get better!!! THANK U FOR THIS
hey holler!!!!!
This is my favorite movie! I once watched it like 6x's in one day! It's just
so funny & the way the actors are its like they werent even acting. I
love Jimmy Stewart & Donna Reid also. There are so many funny parts to
this movie. The best is well i dont no there are so many best parts but i
really just love the entire movie. Especially when he bugs out b/c he doesnt
realize he doesnt exist.
This movie is never shown in my native country, Sweden, and hard to get hold
of. I just saw it for the first time, and it is truly a great movie. Best
line (Clarence): "You see, George, you've really had a wonderful life." I
have never cried this much over a movie.
IAWL is the best movie ever made...I havent missed a year watching it in
25 years now. Its one of my favorite Christmas time memories & traditions!
A Christmas Story We have been given "Christmas Classic Movies" as a theme
for our Christmas Parade this year. I was to tie it into the organization
that surrounds itself with volunteer help from adults to help young children
who are working with disadvantages in their homes and lives in the community.
Immediately Zuzu's line "Teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets
its wings." THE CHILDS WORD all so knowledgeable & teaching
to the ADULT after he had his experience he could understand! The
cuddly moment at the tree, it was apparent how important Georges love
was to just this ONE CHILD let alone all the REST IN HIS FRIENDS IN THE
COMMUNITY! I loved the mental image of Clarence guiding George so he could
see his life - if he never had been born. Yes sacrifices were made by George
never going off and accomplishing dreams he had set in his own mind but Clarence
helped to CLARIFY the importance of the things George had done in his life.
So much has changed in the last few years around Christmas - GREED and GETTING
reigns dominant so our float will not be associated with Santa Claus, Material
gifts or the popular gift ideas to make the children's eyes appreciate the
float. Our's will be focused on the It's A Wonderful Life - Give the Gift
of Time, Love and Friendship - (Organizations Name)are special friends...Angels
on Earth....Who help Little Ones...Learn how to Fly. I'm hoping our image
of George & Mary having fun at the christmas party with their children
and the rest of the community WILL SPARK especially older adults minds that
remember the movie to motivate them to come volunteer to make the difference
not only for the children but for the purpose of making a difference in their
own lives. For me a person that works hard: Christmas coming on...worries
about shopping, working more than one job and volunteer work on the side.
Sometimes I think Why can't I manage to do great things in life, hold
that top paying position, be able to take time off, go travel on
vacations.... Hummmm
. was there a reason why I was to work on
this project for my community OR WAS THIS A SPECIAL PROJECT GIVEN TO ME for
MY LEARNING????? I think Clarence was at work again...In my mind over the
past few months I was starting to sound a lot like GEORGE myself. (You know
when you reach one of those awe inspiring moments...everything just stops
around you and your mind ECHOS words YOU REALLY NEED TO HEAR! Well my moment
came... YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE! In a flash it seemed like the many things
I am involved in came to mind and HOW they WOULD BE DIFFERENT WITHOUT ME!
I have made SO MANY BONDS with people in my community especially my many
LITTLE FRIENDS who I cherish when I see their faces light up!I am VERY RICH
in so many ways I have wonderful friends BIG & SMALL who help and inspire
me with projects which always includes the improvement of childrens
services or their lives in one respect or another. I am hoping many people
volunteer for this float project. This just wont be a float building
experience for children and adults but a community celebration of hot chocolate,
cookies, music to make the atmosphere festive to get the work done. It will
also be a joyful community experience as we get on the float, prepare to
make music together and PRESENT our Christmas and New Years message to our
COMMUNITY! Its A Wonderful Life. Merry Christmas! All the BEST IN THE
NEW YEAR! Wonderful website & tribute to IAWL..the VOICE as you come
into the webpage...perfect! pmilne
the wife and i love the movie and miricale on 34th street. they have become
staples of ours during the holiday season. however we find ourselfs watching
them even out of season so to speak. they really do not make movies like
they use to. it is sad but what i grew up with and believe is great (at 47)
and what my 16 year old thinks is great is as wide as the grand canyon. however
my 26 year old daughter still loves these movies and the rudolf (sic) the
red nosed riendeer movies as well as the animatied grench (sic) movie. thanks
for the site of one of everyones favorite movies. brick b.mock@att.net
I would like it if you added an image of the scene when george bailey(Jimmy
Stewart) says, "this is a very interesting situation" while he is holding
her robe, I would like to make a little poster out of it and put it in my
room and I can't find the image anywhere. Thank you.
Just found you, because I took a chance on puting into a search engine the
title of my all time favourite film. This is probably the most uplifting,
life affirming movie of all time. Difficult to name a favourite scene when
they're all so striking, but probably the scene in Martini's bar when George
is getting drunk & having doubts about..well almost everything really,
depicting that kind of despair was sheer genius. I also liked the Woody
Allen-esque banter around the dinner table at the Bailey's house which, for
the 1940's, was futuristic film making..'It's a wonderful'film!
There are so many. but the one that hits me the hardest is... "clareance!...get
me back to my wife and kids, i don't care what happens to me,...i want to
live again....i want to live again...i want to live again..."
Greetings to you and your guests. Love what youve done with your site.
As an educator I can say you have great
communication skills.
Great site! :) .
James Stewart counts to my top favourites, I have seen many films with him.
And of course "It's a wonderful life". This is a great classic movie, we
can learn much from it! Who would be as happy as Jimmy Stewart, like in "It's
a wonderful life". There are so many wonderful classic movies too, in wich
we can learn from. I am fan of classic movies since I was a little boy, and
I am still a wonderful dreamer. One of my dreams is to find a nice woman
for marriage. If you are interested in me, I am a very nice man, 27 years
old, and would be happy to your letter for me. My e-mail address is:
Thought I would sign! Like the colors!
I am 21 years old and we have been watching it's a wonderful life every year
since I have been born. We have at least 5 copies of the video and when I
moved out of my fathers house I bought my own. My family quotes that movie
all the time. as in "why did we have to have all of these kids" (which is
by the way not something you want to hear your father say if you couldn't
quote the film) and "Mr. Martini, how 'bout some wine!" So I don't have a
favorite part. When I am watching it alone, I have to turn it off halfway
through because I just hate Mr. Potter. I just hate him! (of course I love
silent film and stage star Lionel Barrymore, but Henry F Potter, no dice)But
I can tell you this, my favorite Christmas song is Buffalo Gals.
I am doing a project on this movie and wanted to know everyones views on
how this movie had an impact on our culture/society. Thanks for your
I love It's a Wonderful Life. I dont have a specfic favorite scene because
the whole movie is good.
How about in the cemetery? "All of the men on that transport died because
you weren't around to save Harry." Makes you think that something you might
have done as a mere kid could extrapolate into the lives of so many...so
What a great movie? It has been my favorite for many years. I enjoy the name
association with the main character and have had years of fun with it. Even
my wife's maden name was Reed, although not Donna Reed. I always enjoy watching
the movie and have obtained several copies both b&w and colorized versions.
I especially like the theme of the movie that points out the value in every
person that lives.
I began watching the movie about 5 or 6 years ago when my mother gave me
a copy. I have over the years, grown to enjoy watching it more and more and
nevr get tired of it. I live in a small town and wonder if my city was like
like Bedford Falls. I'm restoring a 112 year-old house and I'll turn it on
while I'm working on something and just listen. I also like to watch it to
get ideas of how the old houses were decorated. I especially like the staircases
that are ahown in the movie. I have probably had the movie on about 10 times
this year, and I have to say it is one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
See Comments from: 2000, 2001, 2002, Current Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive |
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