I would love it if you would Add to this page!
This is my all time favourite movie!It just keeps getting better and better with age. The romantic bygone era of yesteryear sucks you in like a magnet. You just can't get enough of this masterpiece. Everyone has a little George and Mary Bailey in them. My favourite scenes are right at the beginning of the movie when young George enters the drugstore he works at, as he's greeted by the two gals. So charming and innocent the banter between them and the love at first sight - twinkle in her eye from Mary to George.Then later on, that sharing of the telephone scene - this has to be the most sensual scene ever made as George realizes his love for the first time, hypnotized by the sweet fragrance of Mary's hair.The passion just oozes out through to the viewer.It truly is a wonderful life!!
I saw this again this season for the first time in over twenty years. I always
thought that this was not the same Donna that I knew-now I realize that I
never knew her at all. Capras Mary is either very much like DonnaBelle
Mullenger at heart and she is completely at ease being herself in front of
the camera, or Donna Reed has suffered from an unimaginable lack of recognition
for her ability, or both. Maybe it's DonnaBelle who slowly loses control
over her emotions as she is using these precious minutes just to be close
to George one last time. I don't know. I do know that I have played this
scene dozens of times-in slow motion and even frame by frame, and I am totally
taken by Donna Reed in it, every-single-time. I just can't convince myself
that it isn't real. Donna Reed was that good. Her naturally sweet nature
and pleasant attitude are a canvas that Capra uses to highlight Georges
anguish more clearly. When a despondent George comes home -I feel for him.
When he hugs his kid and weeps, I feel more. ...but, when Mary realizes that
something is wrong and it shows on her face, I choke up a little. I have
been slightly obsessed with this movie, and with Donna in it and out since
I rediscovered them a month ago. Please come and take a look at a few things
I noticed, and a LOT of things it seems that the characters were aware of
that are never stated. If you like this film, think you'll find it interesting.
Here's one little tidbit: Did you notice the drawing of Potter in his wheelchair
on the wall of the Bailey staircase? I'll tell you how to find it.
Hi Robin Its Dec. 2006 Sat.the 9th , Feeling the spirit! just for fun! I
was searching the web, to find what ever i could find on " IT`S A WONDERFUL
LIFE " and i found your site ! Just a note to say! I PRAY THAT ALL THAT FIND
ARE IN IT !!! Sincerely Artist Carl Butler GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS!
I just love this movie!! Merry Christmas everyone!!
There's so much in the film that lifts you and encourages you. At least in
my heart hope is kindled anew. My favorite, if you can call it that, must
be the moment when George is on the bridge struggling with his place in life,
his lost dreams, his current struggles, his purpose for being. At this moment,
as is true in our own lives, God must intervene, and does. How many times
in our own lives do we have the opportunity to love selflessly. It is a test
we need to pass. George does. He looks past his own hurt, his own misery
and risks his own well being for another. This is where we meet our creator
and discover what this Wonderful Life is all about.
I'm searching for an mgeg clip of, "lasso the moon." can anyone help please...I
want to use it for an upcoming wedding ceremony.
SOUPER site. if I ever can figure what I want to do when I grow up I'll use
your services... until then I'll keep checking back.
I never really understood that every little thing you do has a big impact
on everyone around you until I saw this movie.
This movie is my favorite 'tradition' at Christmas. I have watched it for
at least 15 years. It has touched me in some way every year. My daughter's
middle name is "zuzu". I hope to pass this great piece of art on to her and
I hope she will understand the meaning of the film and make it 'tradition'
also. Shel
Hey gotta match?! Very funny...
Found your site on the IAWL webring. Very pretty!
Great Site!!!!
To me is a holiday tradition that helps to lift my spirits. I have been watching
this film every year for the past 20 years(specially when I feel really down.)
It trully helps me to get out of the blah feeling I get every year. A few
years back I was driving for the first time through MI during a real bad
winter storm on my way to Canada. It was night, and the town I drove through
covered with snow with the street light looked just like the scene in the
movie when is snowing and he is running through the town.I was mistified!
For years my favorite part has been when he realizes how many people he has
affected for not being born--then you see that spark in his eye when he realizes
what a miracle it is to be alive--I still cry every time. This is the best
movie ever made.
"Lasso the moon"...if only we all lived with that spirit each day!
Hi you've done a good work.
I'm impressed with the site!
I came across your site when I was trying to find out if Roger Ebert has
had a stroke recently. Can you help me with that? Nice graphics by the way!
I enjoyed your website very much -- especially all the great photos from
the movie. My personal favorite scene is the scene in which Jimmy Stewart
and Donna Read are listening to a call on the telephone together. He is smelling
her hair and you can tell that he won't be able to stop himself from falling
in love with her. Sadly, they don't write many love scenes like that anymore.
Thanks for the great website! |
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