It's a Wonderful Life....
figured out something recently. I have watched this movie more times
than any other movie in my entire life. I know for a fact that I haven't
missed watching it once in the past 20 years. There is no other movie that
I crave watching and I look forward to the excuse of the holiday season to
turn it on once again.
have been happily married since 1981, and we have three children, but
I MUST watch this movie alone! My whole family bugs me... "Here's the part
where Mom starts crying and here's another part...." Everyone looks at me
and starts sniffling aloud! Arg! Leave me alone! In "real life" I am not
a big crier. There is something about the content, message and delivery of
"It's a Wonderful Life" that my soul demands to hear, even if it's only once
a year.
me --IAWL is not just a Christmas movie. Of course, the climax of the
movie takes place at Christmas time, but the the timing of it to me is that
Christmas is only one week from the beginning of a whole New Year. It's the
message of the this very special movie that I choose to start each new year
with, especially in this present time with the new millennium looming.
for some reason, you have not been bitten by the IAWL bug, please do yourself
a huge favor and buy this movie. If you experience hard times in your
life, please watch it during any season as the message is about life, hope,
and love. It puts into perspective what is truly important in life and that
is having good morals and values, character, and the love and respect of
family and friends.
word sacrifice must be mentioned, too. George Bailey sacrificed his dreams
in order to "do the right thing". In the end he knew he was indeed a "rich
man" and therefore fulfilled, even though he never got to follow through
with his personal dreams. We don't always get our way, but in the end --it
seems we get what we really needed, even if we didn't know it at the time.
It also proves what I believe to be true, that when anyone is at the "end
of their rope" they call on God, and guess what? He always answers!
movie also speaks to the important question that we have all asked ourselves
at one time or another...... "What would the world be like if I had never
been born?" or "What would the world be like if I wasn't here anymore?"
The movie encourages us all on to greatness through sacrifice, courage,
generosity and the taking of responsibility for our own actions. George Bailey
did all that and he reaped the bounty of his actions.

Feb. 18, 2000
Todd Karns (Harry Bailey) passed away last week.
This week I received a letter from Tim of Christmas, Maryland (don't you
love it?). He attended the 50th Anniversary Reunion party for It's a Wonderful
Life, in 1996. Tim was kind enough to send me a photo that he took of
the cast.
I asked Tim if I could share it with you, click
here to view it, along with
his letter
of explanation. |