My 70's:
My old friends,
Where I grew up,
My first love,
Odds and Ends
Old Friends are the BEST,
I dedicate this 70's section to all my oldest friends.
I love you guys!!!
The Coolest of the Cool.... Maybe we were and maybe
we weren't, but we thought we were --and that is all
that counts. :)
I was a child of the 60's and rode the 70's as a teenager on a perfect wave.
The rockers were singing to us and about us. Minus the few Disco years,
the music of the 70's was our identity. If you want to know us, listen to
our music! The 70's was a time full of happy, optimistic, romantic, party,
dancing music.
Lastly, my friends and I were the exact same age as the characters in
Grease when the movie came
out. We had a little
50's thing going on... so we identified... Everything about the 70's
was perfect. I wouldn't change a thing.
forward ...30
At least once or twice a year I'll see the whole old gang. We usually
gather for various reasons such as: Maryland Crab feasts, BBQ's, birthdays,
our kids graduations and weddings, vacations, holidays, and unfortunately
funerals. Some people I see more frequently than others and, of course,
everyone uses email these days.
I think it's pretty cool that there are 40+ in our old group that have this
"shared memory" of our teen years. The majority of them married their teen
sweethearts, except for me. I moved to California in 1978, and ended marrying
my Tennis instructor!
Links to two of my friends websites,
Becky and
Here's a story Leslie
wrote about my 1969 Cadillac.
Thanks Les!