My 70's:
My old friends,
Where I grew up,
My first love,
Odds and Ends
A memory from Leslie
There was a very short time in my life that I did what ever I wanted, anytime
I wanted and only hung out with people that did exactly that as well, whatever
they wanted!

Mimi, Debbie, Leslie, Robin
That happened to be a time when my best friend, Robin owned her 1969 Brown
Cadillac, back in the summer of 1975. I can still remember like yesterday,
Robin came by my house in her Cadillac with a brand new, legal, Maryland
Drivers License!
I have to bring the license part up because at the time Robin was taking
drivers Ed, and she drove herself to class everyday without a license. Believe
me, by the time she did get her license she was already a very seasoned driver!
We went everywhere in that car! I wouldn't be getting my own car
license for another month, but that's another story. Robin wanted me to meet
her boyfriend so we drove to Hancock Avenue in Takoma Park where her boyfriend
hung out.
This was a old, quiet neighborhood that was a dead end and backed to woods.
I was unfamiliar with the place, but felt at ease right away. I met Robin's
boyfriend, and also met a guy named Frank. He came down the steps of one
of the old bungalow style houses on Hancock.
It had a beautiful large porch and stone sidewalk with a very old but attractive
stone retaining wall. Frank came out of the house and down the steps from
the house. Fresh out of the shower, he was combing his long wet hair and
was wearing Choo Choo Charlie Overalls. (Denim overalls with strips.) He
introduced himself right away. That was a long night!
The four of us drove around in the Caddy and hung out all night. We drank
Schlitz beer and listened to oldies on the radio. Frank wanted to listen
to Top 30 Rock and Roll and we listened to that too. It was a blast!! I could
have stayed out all night, but since I just met this guy I decided to stick
with my so called curfew of 12 am and call it a night.
That was the first night of many and I can honestly say I never kept my curfew
ever again!
Robin's editorial comments:
Um... Les, you failed to mention in your story that you ended up marrying
Frank six years later, in 1981, and that you two have four children!
Happy 25th Anniversary!