My 70's:
My old friends,
Where I grew up,
My first love,
Odds and Ends
My artist friend
from Sweden made me look
unbelievable with digital manipulation.
See the pics enlarged by clicking on them.
This was just a photo booth picture, taken when I was 16, in 1975.
Years ago I had cut the background out with scissors and took
off part of my hair (accidentally) and a little of my arm. I scanned it
and fixed it a little bit, but Kerstien really made this picture excellent.
Can someone please tell my why I plucked my eyebrows
to pieces? I don't remember why. Did I think that looked good?
Skinny eyebrows was one BAD FAD!!! (lol)
I asked Kerstien to "put my eyebrows back".
Thanks, Kerstien!
Little known (ok, unknown) fact!
I tried out for movie
Isn't it the most? To say the
Mom and Me. I'm 18
years old in this picture, 1977.
(Mom was 39, but she always looks 10-20 years
younger, she still does!!)
here to see the enlarged photo.
(Opens new window, close when done.)
We look sooo hippyish in this picture. ;) My mother actually made the top
I was wearing and the wrap around long skirt she was wearing. Bad hair day
in the 70's? No prob, just put on a colorful scarf! Do you remember
"elephant bells?" That's what I am wearing in this picture. Plus,
hoop earings and a big watch.

My favorite movies of the 70's were:
American Graffiti,
The Rocky Horror Picture
Show and
Saturday Night

In Memory of Debbie,
my life long best friend, my cousin,
and now my angel.