Observations From My Deck
.....and yours.
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You are welcome to submit your wisdom
Rules without Relationship = Rebellion
We teach people how to treat us!
shut from the outside - so get on with it!
A stranger is just a friend you haven't met.
When a dog looks back it is a god - o cat don't look so smug!
If you desire the faith to pray - try praying for faith - it worked for me.
When I look at my children I truly believe in reincarnation - and I'm not
even dead yet!
Diamonds are mined in the desert.
A loved one* for my previous pearl.
At no point in your life will you be so happy that a loved can't make you
If it doesn't fit force it, if it breaks it needed replacing anyway.
"You can't break me, all you can do is make me..."
If you want to fly with the Eagles, don't hang around with the turkeys
Here is a test to find out whether your mission in life is complete... If
you're alive, it isn't.
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend....inside of a dog, its too dark
to read
Money cannot buy love....and those who think it can are not worth half the
price paid out.
once they had stopped I went to the dog and said, why does your master kick
you to you sever injury? With i,ts last breath it said "they cannot stand
to see someone that is more inteligent or better that themself.
The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is
Gratitude is riches ... Despair is poverty
Give me back my youth but let me keep my wisdom
Clichés are a dime a dozen.
insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
The best things in life are not things
It's always going to be easy if you want to do it, and hard if you don't.
Don't hate the players, hate the game.
Repeating what one has said requires education. Challenging it requires
If it's wet and not yours- Don't touch it!!
There is no such thing as perfection, but you should always strive to achieve
When faced with something new, never just say 'I can't', instead say 'I'll
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it is yours forever,
if it doesn't, it was never yours in the first place, if it eats your food,
watches your tv, and doesn't seem to realise you let it go at all...you either
married it or gave birth to it
*When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults, you don't look
for answers, you don't look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes,
you accept the faults, and you overlook the excuses.
expect nothing, then everything's a bonus!!
It's better to be sorry for something you did rather than sorry for something
you never did!
I cannot be complete until you are complete for Though we be many, yet we
are all ONE- We are accustomed to see men deride what they do not understand,
and snarl at the good and beautiful because it lies beyond their sympathies-The
only abnormality is the incapacity to love-Life is eternal and love is
immortal,and death is only a horizon...And a horizon is nothing, save the
limit of our sight.-Under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be
appreciated and loved-Don't focus on the handicap, appreciate the gift.
"If you cannot be good, at least be good at what you do." - Anonymous
If you want to DOUBLE your money, fold it in half and put it in your pocket.
There is no FASTER way!
Gossip is for people with nothing better to do. If someone gossips about
everyone to you, chances are they are talking about YOU to everyone else
I am a vase where God shines through For He and I are one, not two He needs
me where and as I am I need not fear, nor fret, nor plan I just keep relaxed
and FREE He will carry out His plan through me. --- author unknown --- (given
to me by my beloved Oma)
If you can't change it, then put it in your book of
Every survival kit should include a sense of humor!
" A creed" To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind;to
talk health,happiness and prosperity; to make your friends feel that there
is something in them; to look on the sunny side of everything;to be too large
for worry,too noble for anger,too strong for fear, and too happy to permit
the presence of trouble. CRISTIAN D.LARGE
The biggest disease today is not leprosy or toberculosis, but rather the
feeling of being unwanted. by Mother Teresa.
bounty isnt the only quicker picker uper...
If you are not making any mistakes, you are not trying enough new things.
There is such a thing as unconditional love but there is no such thing as
unconditional cohabitation.
"Love the sinner, hate the sin." -Five Iron Frenzy ...think about this when
you come across a gay or lesbian, or anyone else whose beliefs do not agree
with your own.
When living your life, think of it this way - what regrets do I NOT want
to have? Then make your choices accordingly. -Me
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing were
a miracle. The other is as though everything were a miracle." -Albert
"An optimist and a pessimist can be just as successful. The only difference
is the optimist has more fun achieving her goals." -Walter Wagner
"Nothing great has ever been achieved without enthusiasm." -Ralph Waldo
Life is like money, you only get to spend it once! So you have a choice to
spend it, poorly, great or exelente.
There is no us and them, there is only you and me.
A short saying often contains much wisdom. -Sophocles
Dreams are visions of the spirit
Dreams create ambitions
Speak ye little, listen much
Fairly take and fairly give
Do not equate your self and your true value as a person with the measure
of your performance. My friend Tom told me this.
From Homer Simpson, "Trying is the first step on the road to Failure", so
enjoy what is here now, the sunshine and the smile of a friend, perhaps.
Worry less about what people think of you and more about what you think of
The way you treat your parents when they are old is the way your children
will treat you when you get old
If wishes were horses we'd sure have a herd.
The only thing you can predict is unpredictability.
Every shot not taken is a goal not scored.
Respect is like money: easy to loose & hard to earn.
Honu Kaikamahine
the things that look the best on T.V are terrible in real life (e.g Mcdonalds
If you really love someone you wouldn't put thier name in a heart, you would
put it in a circle, because I heart can be broken but a cricle neverends
A husband and wife should never go to bed angry.
There is no purpose to life: the purpose of life is life - so get on with
it. When one door closes, two more slam shut!
The more I know, the more I know that I don't know.
"Life is what happens when your busy making plans" So make the plans bloody
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow a Mystery.. live life to its fullest TODAY
LIFE is too important to be taken seriously.
'He drew a circle that shut me out but Love and I had wit to win: we drew
a bigger circle that took him IN!'
Its not as IMPORTANT to be SERIOUS as it is to be SERIOUS about IMPORTANT
Only dead fish go with the flow. The more you love, the less you stay with
the one.
It takes years to build trust and friendship,but seconds to distroy it.
"Happiness does not consist of having what we want. Happiness is achieved
by wanting what we have."
I say what I mean I mean what I say, But that doesn't neccessarily mean That
what I say is what I mean, Is what I meant to say!!
Believing is decieving whilst misleading what you believe in!
Sometimes I'm so vague I don't even realise it!
Some of you, I will always remember. Some of you, I will never forget.
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon
Never say Never..... did I say Never
Your 'I Can' is more important then your 'I.Q.'
I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgetteth himself, and all
things are in him: thus all things become his down-going.
ego is every man's blundered achievement, to achieve it is easy,to let go
of it is an achievement by its self.
He Who has,has. He who has not,has not. Is that not it?
He who has has, He whohas not has not. Is that not it?
He who has, has He who has not, has not Is that not it?
"Life is pain, highness...anyone who says differently is selling something."
-The Princess Bride
When God closes a door, He opens a window.
"...what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal." "The
chief aim of wisdom is to enable one to bear with the stupidity of the ignorant."
~Pope Xystus I: The Ring "May I pray God treat me tomorrow as I have treated
my fellow man today." "God doesn't give up; don't you either." "If anyone
does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man...." ~James 3:2b "I
will speak ill to no man and speak all the good I know of everybody." ~Benjamin
Franklin "What goes around comes around." "Never be afraid to try something
new: remember that amateurs built the ark, and professionals built the Titantic."
"The tongue of the wise brings healing." ~Proverbs 12:18b "Concentration
is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade; in short, in all
of human affairs." "A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks
too much." ~Proverbs 20:19 "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
The will soar on wings like eagles." ~Isaiah 40:31 "Be not your brother's
judge; leave the judging to God." All the wisdom one needs can be found in
the Bible! ~this is my note
Beauty attracts the eyes but its the soul that attracts the heart
The wise man thinks himself a fool and the fool thinks himself wise
More money, more friend.
The grass is always greener on the other side, until you get there and look
Never frown because you never know who has fallen in love with your smile.
Love can be like peeing in a dark blue suit...U get a warm funny feeling
inside, but have nothing to show for it.
You can only love or hate about someone else what you love or hate about
Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana..
You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than
you think you can. ~Jimmy Carter~
The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: Find what it is that
interests you and that you can do well; And when you find it, put your whole
soul into it, every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.
~John D. Rockefeller~
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Discover. ~Mark Twain~
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may the world.
Everything in life is about feelings
Don't take to heart what others think or say about you because you are who
you are and you are what matters
Smile...if you cannot lift the corners, sag the middle
Godley Hope is Hope that happens!
if you don't like something, change it. if you can't change it, change the
way you look at it!
a mother's heart is a child's classroom
shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll be among the stars
An egotist is not one who thinks big of himself, but little of others.
Progress NOT Perfection
do for others the very thing they would not do for you.
old friends are the best friends
Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, Dance
like nobody's watching.
Live and let live.
If I knew that I was going to live so long I would have taken better care
of myself.
Different Strokes for different folks...this covera a multitude of sin.
If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always
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