If you liked this page, why not go on
to my other inspirational pages:

Meanest Mom in the World
The Prayer of St. Francis
NOT Maya Angelou's Best Poem Ever!
Little Gidding No. 4
I am Thankful
Carrot, Egg or Coffee?
Time Tested Beauty Tips
* *Favorite Quotes
It's Good to be a Woman
Paradoxical Commandments
The Famous Rocks Story
A Reason, A Season, or A Lifetime
My Favorite Poem; "Success"
The story behind "Success"
* *Submitted Favorite Poems
Interview with God (links to another site)
The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
Prelude, Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The Dance, Oriah Mountain Dreamer
For All Moms
Auld Lang Syne
1000 Marbles
Count Your Blessings
* *Marriage Tips
"IF" by Rudyard Kipling
If for Girls
* *Pearls of Wisdom
Phenomenal Woman
Letter from God
Serenity Prayer
The Ten Commandments
The 8 Beatitudes
The Lord's Prayer (Trespass)
The Lord's Prayer (Debtor)
Psalm 23
* * I've Learned
God Says
The Wedding Song
Life Lessons from a Dog
The Tale of the Frogs
There is a season (Turn, Turn, Turn)
Golden Rule for Living
Erma's Wisdom
I asked for...
Instructions for Living
Somebody Loves You!
How old is Grandma?
The Declaration of Independence
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Speech
Martin Luther King: "I have a Dream"
Heaven Online
Casey at the bat
Star Spangled Banner
The Prophet on Marriage. K.Gibran
The Apple
* Poll:
Do YOU believe in GOD?