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Menu ideas!

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Kid's Menu  

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Hawaii Toast
Tomato Soup
Deviled Eggs

Split Pea Soup
Grilled Cheese
and Tomato Sandwiches
Black Olives

Mexican Pizza
Baked Apples

Chicken Taquitos
w/ Salsa Dip
Cherry Fruit
Jello Mold

French Bread Pizzas

Hot Dogs
Cheese Rice

Cream Cheese &
Apple Butter sandwiches

Bird's Nests
(bacon bits & cheese)
Creamed Corn

Banana Dogs
mayo peanuts
in potato roll

Corn Dogs
Hush Puppies
Fruit Salad

Fish Sticks
Apple Sauce
Celery w/ Peanut Butter

Mozzarella Sticks
w/ Marinara
Sliced Apples

Top Ramen
Chicken Nuggets

Hot Diggity
Sliced Cukes
w/ Ranch Dip

Carrot Coins

Plain Omelette with
Spaggetti O's
- Sound disgusting,
but kids love it!!
Submitted by: Joanna

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