If you came in through the 'backdoor' (search engine)
to my Cookie Swap |
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Love your site!!!!!!!!!
What a great website! I love the idea of cookie exchanges! I think it's
too late for a Christmas cookie exchange, but I'm planning on a St. Valentine's
cookie exchange and I'll definately be using some of your ideas and recipes.
Sincerely, Robin Castellanos
I had a cookie exchange last night and it went great. The invitation called
for only 3 - 4 dozen cookies each and I felt that was just enough. I purchased
bakery boxes from the bakery and that was an easy way to distribute the cookies.
Also, we had a "White Elephant" Gift Exchange which was pure entertainment!
Thanks for all your help!
where do I send my cookie recipe ?
I liked your site. I am going to get started baking today. I feel pressured
but at least I have my presents bought and the wrapping done today(hopefully).
Really enjoyed your site. Heard about the site on a TV show. Wonderful
new way to have a staff party at Christmas. Hope to host one next
I would like to start my first, annual exchange. Any hints would be very
much appreciated!!!!
I Love your recipes
hi, just saw a small story about your web page in the access mag. in the
sunday paper it was just what i was looking for! i come from a very large
family and we always wanted to do this now i think that i know how!!! we
will see! thank's michelle nottling
Very interesting website. Wonderful for all holiday cookies.
What a great idea! This really helps those who are beginners like myself.
How do you find the time?
I have to thank my girlfriend for letting me know about your site. I am
wanting to have a cookie exchange myself and was needing some details about
it. Thank you very much. Your web site is fabulous!!
I have to thank my girlfriend for letting me know about your site. I am
wanting to have a cookie exchange myself and was needing some details about
it. Thank you very much. Your web site is fabulous!!
You must be the cookie queen! I read about you in Family Circle and saw
you on TV! Got a lot of excellent ideas for the future, thanks!
Great tips and ideas. Thanks
I found the information about how to have a successful cookie exchange
very helpful. I have 19 ladies coming to my house Saturday and we plan to
have a great time!
What a wonderful idea you have expanded on!
I loved the web site only wish i had found it sooner!
I saw the t.v. segment on your website. Great ideas for all ages. Merry
Christmas to all and to all...happy baking!
Hi Robin, Your web site is fantastic. I have been searching for the perfect
Sugar Cookie receipe, and it looks as though you have the one! Thanks so
much, I'll be sure to write back and tell you how they turned out. Happy
Holiday's ! :)
Great website! Thanks for all the help.
Robin, Many years ago in Pittsburgh,Pa.The cookie exchange was a great
way for myself and my friends whom were all young mothers to get a great
sellection of home baked cookies for Chrisrmas. A few of us would try to
come up with the most unusual cookie.We always had a great time and an evening
away from the kids and husbands. Your sight was a reminder of a wonderful
time years ago. Thanks for the memories. Patty O'Kain(Tucson)
I really enjoyed your website. It was so interesting. I am hosting a cookie
exchange this year for our street. I feel like from what I read I am right
on target. Thanks for super ideas, recipes, etc. Keep up the great work.
I look forward to visiting your site again. Happy Holidays from Grapevine,
Texas. :)
Robin, Great web site. Going to my first cookie exchange this weekend
and looking forward to it. Merry Christmas!
I am hosting my 1st cookie swap. I am really excited. I have enjoyed viewing
all the ideas from your site. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. Will let
you know how it goes!!!!
lets get busy...it will be here before we know it!
Thanks for the great ideas, Robin!
You have inspired me to start up an annual cookie exchange with friends
that I haven't seen in quite some time and this way we will be able to see
each other every year around the same time and be able to sample each others
I really liked your web site. especilly the cookies recipes.
I have been doing cookie exchanges for some time and find you web page
very helpful with the sugestions and menus..thanks |