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April 27, 2000

Hi Robin, its me Lisa. Remember me? Anyhow. I made an award and without even
thinking twice I knew that you had to be the first winner. I know its a dinky
award compared to the ones you got. But think of it this way. You didn't
apply for it and got it anyways. And you're the first! Anyhow.. I'll send
you your trophy:) You're the bestest, Robin.
Dear Lisa,
The best web awards are the ones that are gifts from the heart for a job
that's deemed well done by an observer of my (and others) work. No award
is dinky! I am deeply honored that you chose my site as the first awardee.
Thank you.
Great luck to you in building your site.
October 22, 1999
Thank you, Jo Ann and PSP Users group!

Congratulations !
This is to inform you that your Site has been selected as one of the Paint
Shop Pro User's Group Webring Featured Sites for the Month of October ! Your
site is Listed on the Webring Featured Sites Link at the PSP User Group.
Enjoy and, Thank You for sharing !
Jo Ann PSPUG Webring Manager
October 16, 1999
Thank you, Linda
Hi, I just came from your site and There is MOST definitely Something for
everyone!...Please Except My Award of Excellence for the many hours and hours
of work you have put into your web site and for your Artistic talents....
Kountry Pugs
September 29, 1999
As I said to Susan: "There is nothing like morning coffee and an award as
soon as I open my email!! Today will be a great day, and I have YOU to thank!
Thanks, Susan!

Robin, When I started my "Pick of the Week", your site was picked on February
8, 1998 . I would like to present this award to you. You have a wonderful
July 18, 1999
Hey! I think your site is really, really cool. I am presenting you this award
for a great site. -Samantha
July 11, 1999
Just returned from a week at the beach to find an award in my mail box --
from my friend on the left coast that shares the same name, as moi, "Robin
Lynn". Visit her cool site,
Home of the Babyheads! Thanks, Robin!
July 1, 1999
What a great way to kick off summer. Thank you, Jeff and Internet Brothers!

Congratulations, you are a winner of the Internet Brothers Gold Plaque for
Helpware Excellence. In reviewing your site we have found it to be among
the elite on the WWW. You should be very proud of the work you have done.
I must admit to a certain intimidation and trepidation upon reading your
application. I'm thinking, sheesh, I'll be at this for a week, because as
you stated your site is so large. So you can understand my admission at browsing
probably less than 1% of your site.
Instead, what I did was try to get a feel for you, to see if you are the
type of individual who would represent the Internet Brother's ideals and
aspirations as a Gold Plaque winner. NOOOO PROBLEM. Next I looked at your
Helpware sections because, after all, that is the primary focus of this award.
Solid tips and advice, not only about web design, but about life in general.
A role model for web presence.
Finally, I snuck a peek at what previous visitors have had to say about your
contribution to the community.You are almost a goddess. Hence, you are a
very easy choice for our Gold Plaque.
I will be delighted to recommend your site to our guests.
June 18, 1999
A B-I-G Thank you to Cathy of
That Special
Something for making my themeset, Foxglove, the Featured Background Set
of the Week. Cathy is doing a fantastic job educating web surfers about why
they should give credit where credit is due and I'm not talking about Visa
and Mastercard!
Cathy had this to say about my site: "...if you have yet to see Robin's Web
you are in for a treat. This site is so big it will keep you occupied for
days. Not only is there a lot to see, but it is also one of the most interactive
websites on the web. Bet you can't see all of it before you come back here
next week. ;)"
June 6, 1999
Thank you, Ray!
Hey...Wicked cool
layout design you have here. Nice Job!! I's like to award you my Creativity
award if you'll accept it. I do not give this award out lightly. Your site
has surpassed the stringent requirements I have posted. I'll be coming back
here often !! Nice job on your creativity & talent of webpage design!
-Crazy Ray
May 6, 1999
The most strange and wonderful thing happened today. I received not one,
but two awards in my email. These lovely gifts touched my heart that these
people decided to take the time to tell me how much they enjoyed my site.

Dear Robin,
Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful web site. I thoroughly enjoyed
every page. You have put a lot of hard work and love into your site and it
shows. You have a great gift in designing and in creating wonderful graphics.
Here is our award, if you wish to have it. You may also see your listing
on our web site here: http://www.ramosweb.ourfamily.com/coolsites.html .
Thanks again. It was our pleasure!
Susan Ramos RAMOS WEB

Hi Robin and Shalom from Israel!
You have been selected to receive my
I give this AWARD to those sites that I come across that just stand out from
all the rest. What is the purpose of this Award? This Award is presented
to sites which in my opinion merit special mention and thanks for absolutely
exquisite artwork, outstanding content, originality and valuable service
provided to the Internet Community. Thanks for sharing your work with me!
A very pleasant Homepage, easy to read and navigate through. I think you
have done an outstanding job on your site! You have provided the INTERNET
with a superb presence! For these reasons, I hope you will accept my personal
A B-I-G Thank you to everyone that for voted for me!
Robin's Web was the number one site for
the week of March 28th, 1999!
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