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Thanks, Bhali!

December 23, 1997
I think that this is one of the first sites that I have seen that
claims to have something for everyone and actually does!
Therefore, I present you with my award,
The land of the Phat official PHAT award.
Bobby Thekkekandam A.K.A. "Bhali"
Thanks for capturing me, Maeve! :)

December 22, 1997
Hi Robin,
The doors have finally been opened for you in the Faery Realm.
Amid much song and tears you leave,
but not empty handed. You have been given
The Faery Hill Award.
I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for visiting and come back soon.
Hugs, Maeve
I am very honored to receive this award, as
it is from Hwystar's award winning site.
I am the first recipient of this very special award
that cannot even be applied for, only given.
There will only be a total of 12 given out
for the year 1998!
Thank you very much, Johnny!!

December 20, 1997
Thanks, Brad and Crew!!

December 18, 1997
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S! -
Your site is the "Cool Crescendo Site of the Day" for today.
Check out our Cool Site page -- your site is at the top.
Prepare for some nice hit volume!
Keep Spreading the Music,
Brad and the LiveUpdate Crew
Thank you, Eric!

December 16, 1997
Your site is very well put together.
I enjoyed surfing it, I am sure
everybody else will to. -Eric Nielsen

December 16, 1997
I am sending you this award with much honor.
Your site is wonderful. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, Stormy!

December 15, 1997
Hi Robin,
I liked what I saw! It was unique, refreshing, and I spent about
an hour reading various things there.
I thought it was a site well done and well put together! :)
Congratulations on having such a lovely site for all to enjoy! :)
Happy Holidays! -Stormy
Thank you, Jason!

December 15, 1997
Thanks much, Elle!

December 14, 1997
Thank you very much, John!

December 13, 1997
Thanks, John!!

December 7, 1997
Thanks a bunch, Melanie!!

(An gift, graciously received.)
December 6, 1997
You have the most amazing site.
I love it! I have bookmarked your neat
Cookie Exchange Page.
It's pretty great!
I *rarely* bookmark anymore, have
too many already. But this one was WELL WORTH IT!!!!!
I thought it was well written, helpful and informative.
I wish you and your family a wonderful happy holiday! =)
Take care, Melanie Tate
Thanks, Unique!

December 5, 1997
You did a great job on your site, and
we're happy to give it to you.
Thanks for making the web a better place.
Congratulations again.
As Always,
Thanks, Steve!

December 4, 1997
Thank you, Robin!

(An gift graciously received.)
December 1, 1997
Thank you, Space!

November 28, 1997
Wow.. It's definately a HUGE Site!
I didn't have time to look at every page..
But I looked at many.. the cookie exchange is a great idea.
And I loved the jokes page.
It's plain to see that you've put a lot of time
and energy into your site, and it's a great one!
Congratulations!! -Space

Member since November 21, 1997
Thank you, Sherry!

November 18, 1997
I have visited your site and it is Great!
There is so much to see and I am sure
you have added something to interest everyone.
I know I had a good time.
I will be back to see it all but now I have
to stop and send you my award
for an outstanding job!!! - Sherry
Thank you, Meme!

(An award not asked for, but graciously received.)
November 16, 1997
Thank you, Dana!

November 14, 1997
You have been awarded the "Gold Mine" site award
from Dana's Designs! Your web site is a delight!
I enjoyed being "caught" in your web, and will
be back to visit again... I know my "miners" will enjoy visiting
you just as much! Thank you for your submission,
and congratulations on a job well done. :)
Best wishes, -Dana
Thank you, MrHugs!

November 13, 1997
Thanks so much for the wonderful recipe.........
loved it..............I ATE THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!
Attached please find an award for you and your site.....
You have added 20 lbs to Mrhugs already growing waist line
...hehehe...... 3 hrs a day ..sit ups...and back to jogging...
It was GREAT - MrHugs
Go here to view the recipe
(Spaghetti Trinidad)
that won the accolades of MrHugs!
Thank you, Brad!
November 9, 1997
Thank you !!
November 4, 1997
Thank you, Glowy!
November 2, 1997
Hola! I checked out your page!
I'm kind of in a hurry, so I didn't get to look
at every section, but what I saw looked great! Nice Job!!
Thank you, Crazygirl!

October 28, 1997
hey! i luv your page!
there's so much stuff in it. i think its one
of the biggest personal webpages i've ever seen!
i especially liked all your jokes and funny headlines.. :o)
keep up the good work! -crazigyrl
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