Total: 1850 guests
Name: liloo
Website: le petit jardin de liloo (the little garden of liloo)
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: United Kingdom
Time: 2000-07-31 16:23:25
Comments: Dear Robin, I have never seen a site that offers so quick previews of the creations. The mouse over idea to have those previews in seconds is just great and so handy. Your site is beautiful, clear, straightforward. Thank you very for your fabulous work. I have downloaded a few backgrounds and as soon as I use them, if I use I will link to your website good continuation aurevoir liloo
Name: Mark Sohlden
Website: BryaMark Future
Referred by: Phenomenal Women of the Web
From: Flint, MI
Time: 2000-07-31 10:34:18
Comments: ok. listen up. i want everyone to go to and visit the complaint board. here is where we can fight for the rights of mistreated employees by management. join me in the fight with thousands to get our revenge by posting your feelings about being mistreated. thank you for your time and you can email me if you have questions.
Name: Robin Sawkins
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Time: 2000-07-30 20:08:31
Comments: I love th idea of a website for our fabulous name, keep it up!!!
Name: Gedit
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PA USA
Time: 2000-07-29 15:17:38
Comments: is a tech-oriented irc network with four US/UK servers and full chanserv/nickserv services. we provide pop or web client email accounts, and customizable listserv accounts for network users at no charge. feel free to let your audience know they are welcome. thank you, Gedit network administrator
Name: Terri McPherson
Website: WiseHearts... Weaving Small Wisdoms Through The Fabric Of Life...
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Time: 2000-07-24 21:50:06
Comments: Oh what a lovely time I've had! Your inspirational pages are marvelous!!
Name: Jeff
Website: The Webspinner's Realm
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Indiana
Time: 2000-07-24 01:01:07
Comments: nice site
Website: superguinness
Referred by: From a Friend
From: sheffield
Time: 2000-07-22 10:20:25
Comments: yes its me !! SUPERGUINNESS !!
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-07-21 12:36:20
Name: Mark Arrowood
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: New Orleans, LA
Time: 2000-07-21 10:44:23
Comments: I was curious to find different versions of psalm 23 and your site was one of the search results. I both laughed and shed tears from the different pages of your site (I asked for and Lessons From a Dog especially!) Thanks for brightening my day! Peace and God Bless! Mark
Name: Jim Stark
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Potomac
Time: 2000-07-20 14:19:50
Comments: Nice Page- BTW, Darren Star Created Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, CPW (Central Park West), and Sex in the City (HBO). He also wrote the screenplay for the movie "If Looks Could Kill". He had nothing to do with Baywatch. I had my locker next to his for 6 years during school (Cabin John Jr. High and Winston Churchill). Nice Guy
Name: Lindsay Davis
Website: Lindsay Ann's Spectacular Homepage
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Upstate NY
Time: 2000-07-19 15:19:55
Comments: Your page was amazing. I was simply looking for the Kipling poem, "IF." I ended up staying and looking at your Inspiration Section. Your graphics and layout set-ups are very cool. I hope someday my page is as put together and has as much content as yours. If you get time, check it out and sign my book. Thanks.
Name: Linda
Website: MysTic An9eL
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Hawaii
Time: 2000-07-12 15:03:10
Comments: Hi! You have a fantastic site with great graphics! Very talanted! Keep up your great work. I really enjoyed my visit. God bless.
Name: Karla
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nevada
Time: 2000-07-12 10:39:24
Comments: One of my favorite prayers iss the serenity prayer.
Name: lidia.... i go by the nic chat :)
Website: Chat's Links
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: sydney australia
Time: 2000-07-11 21:11:45
Comments: hi... i loved your graphics and thank you for the opportunity of using them ... i have used the spring.jpg on my links page which was uploaded yesterday ... i couldnt access your email from the page to let you know so i hope you get this message ... if i have left anything out please let me know and ill adjust it ... once again thanks for the opportunity of using your graphics ... i love the quality and i may well use more in the future ... i hope you enjoy your visit when you have time ... laterz ... :)
Name: Shade
Website: Alice Cooper, Carly Simon, God, peanut butter, chocolate
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-07-11 06:51:33
Comments: I've got you under my wheels.
Name: Shade
Website: Alice Cooper, Carly Simon, God, peanut butter, chocolate
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: USA
Time: 2000-07-11 06:57:32
Comments: I've got you under my wheels.
Name: Blind
Website: blindonline
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 2000-07-09 21:49:46
Comments:Name: Blind
Website: blindonline
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: New York
Time: 2000-07-09 21:55:52
Name: Panama Jack
Website: FREE Cyber Cards
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Panama
Time: 2000-07-09 14:35:57
Comments: Panama's FREE Net Resources Cool deal on your site. I have certainly enjoyed my vist. Thanks and keep up the good work on it."Follow your dreams for they will ALWAYS lead you in the RIGHT direction..."
Name: Terri
Website: Terri's WonderLand
Referred by: From a Friend
From: originally from Texas but we are a USMC family stationed in NC
Time: 2000-07-06 10:07:55
Comments: I just couldn't help myself.. you did such a wonderful job on this site and offering such beautifully creative graphics. Thank you for these wonderful "gifts" for us to use. Keep up the good work!
Name: Josh
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Missouri
Time: 2000-07-03 22:56:25
Comments: This is a cool site. Please e-mail me more!
Name: Bob M
Website: For The Birds
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: Shell Knob, Mo
Time: 2000-06-28 16:05:28
Comments: Really enjoyed your site! I found you in an article in the Springfield (Mo.) News-Leader Mon. Jine 26, 2000.
Name: Greg Kersh
Website: metabolife
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Mustang, OK
Time: 2000-06-26 22:54:22
Comments: Nice Site!
Name: Chirantan Chatterjee
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: India
Time: 2000-06-26 16:17:11
Comments: Thanks so much for being of help with your unputdownable quotes.. they helped me to buoy of the fallen spirits of my dear little sister who had failed in an entrance test.
Name: John Allen
Website: Absolute Allen Revisited
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: From Coldwater, in Humble, Texas
Time: 2000-06-22 07:51:09
Comments: Well, my wife is at work and the step-kids spent the night at their dad's house. I don't expect them back early because they know I've got work for them to do. This means it's going to be the dogs, birds and myself alone here most of the day. Unlike Pam (the wife I mentioned), I don't have to be at work today...matter of fact I've got the summer off due to my job with the local school district. Ah, summer vacation...what better time to sit and enjoy a book, watch a few movies and surf websites. That's what brought me here...a search of the truth or at least something that will activate my attention between cups of coffee. Anyway, I've got to say that I've enjoyed my visit. You've done well here not only with content, but in how you present it. Very nice job. If you have the time come to my place...if you have more time take a look at the site my wife (gee, this is the first time I've ever mentioned her three times in a guestbook entry)put together at Hey, my cup is to fill it!
Name: Rebekah
Website: don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Nowra, NSW, Australia Time: 2000-06-19 00:41:53
Comments: your webpage is soooo good. (and I've only been on the first page so far!!) I love the 70's things. my Mum said, "Maybe you should've been born in an earlier generation so you could experience some of it", once when I told her i like the 70's things. Keep up the good work!!
Name: steve scheetz
Website: cz's pad
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pennsylvania
Time: 2000-06-18 19:08:39
Comments: kewl site!!! I just happened to see it and clicked on it so I wanted to say I appreciated it.. my home page is not yet political, but be on the lookout, its comming!!! thanks for putting it up!!
Name: Matt Filip
Referred by: From a Friend
From: CA now WA originally
Time: 2000-06-16 12:35:33
Comments: Hello Robin, You have created an exceptional Webpage. The pleasure is all mine reading about yourself and your good friend Patti Tate. I'm very sorry to hear about Patti's battle with cancer. This hideous disease has destroyed too many lives and I pray that someday soon a cure is discovered. I've never been to Maryland but have heard about the Blue Claw crabs and am told they are delicious. If I'm correct, you can eat the whole claw shell and all. Go figure. One question... what is Duckpin Bowling? I've never heard of this before. Maybe I'll have to correspond with my other friend from MD to find out. Anyway, Good Luck with you webmastering and please feel free to respond if you have the time. Sincerely yours, Matthew J. Filip
Name: Cindy
Referred by: From a Webring
From: St. Louis, Mo.
Time: 2000-06-15 16:55:28
Comments: Very funny stuff. I especially enjoyed Showdown in the Atlantic. To think these people are patroling the oceans for our safety is a very scarey thought.
Name: Kathryn
Website: kathryn_m @ qmuc
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the UK
Time: 2000-06-14 20:21:35
Comments: Hi! I came across this website from I think you're very talented and your graphics are amazing :) ...keep up the fantastic work, and even though I don't have a guestbook, maybe you could visit my site sometime... lol, quick plug there. I have great respect and admiration for all webdesigners (especially women, such as the Digital Divas) and would dearly love to be as good as some of the gals out there where graphics and webdesign and the like are concerned. Anyway, congratulations on such a great site. Bye for now, Kathryn :o)
Name: Andre Poupada
Website: AskMen.Com
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: North America
Time: 2000-06-13 15:59:19
Comments: Great Site!!, Keep up the good work!!!
Name: Kristi
Website: Cloud 9 Graphics
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: PA
Time: 2000-06-12 19:48:57
Comments: Hi Robin- I just wanted to say I love your site design, and the "butterflies" graphics set is great!
Name: Jaime Anderson
Website: My Place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Arnold, Maryland
Time: 2000-06-09 14:47:56
Comments: Very creative site! I enjoyed my visit! When you have a chance, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd stop by my homepage and leave your mark. Thanks! :)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-08 15:11:38
Name: Robin Lake
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 2000-06-07 03:09:54
Comments: Hello Robin, I just surfed on your site. How unique! Thanks for paying tribute to Robin's around the workd. Robin
Name: tY
Website: Load this up
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-06-06 15:19:43
Comments: Great site! Check out mine! LoAd tHIs uP mEMBeR [ hOW tO jOIn ] [ mEMBeRS sITe LiST ]
Name: misha
Website: misha's place
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the universe
Time: 2000-06-06 13:23:28
Comments: your site is incredible...i'm hungry from looking at your foods section...the graphics are are very talented in more ways than one...keep up the great work... please come visit some time...
Name: Roxanne
Website: Roxanne & Doyle's Home Page!
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Chicago, IL
Time: 2000-06-05 15:06:44
Comments: Hey Robin! Great site! Whelp, building a website is pretty new to me, so you're actually the first person that I've requested to use their art. I think I've got my personal site completed, but I'm always updating my front page. Nothing too interesting, it was just easier than writing letters to all my friends & family. Thanks for the use of your creativity! ~Roxanne
Name: Anna
Website: The Cool Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Atlanta, GA
Time: 2000-06-03 17:40:05
Comments: Hi Robin! I first visited your page a few months ago after I saw your cookie exchange on HGTV, and I got a recipe for cranberry oatmeal cookies, which were delicious. I want to say that I LOVE the new look on your site, though my favorite part of the old site was when you said, "Welcome to Robin's Web, where there's something for everyone!" Keep up the good work!
Name: Robin H
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Tennessee
Time: 2000-06-03 15:03:33
Comments: I enjoyed your website, and I will be back! I especially liked the 70's page!!!
Name: Chelsea MacFarlane
Website: Chelsea's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Time: 2000-05-31 23:37:03
Comments: Hi Moose, I dropped in for a drink of cool water and enjoyed visiting with you and your family. You sure a great looking guy. And you have a very nice family too. Drop by and visit me if you are in town. Bye for now Chelsea
Name: Renee
Website: Renee's Residence A Touch Of Class
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Canada
Time: 2000-05-31 11:40:24
Comments: cool site
Name: Alexandra Bocioaca
Referred by: Net Search
Time: 2000-05-28 02:55:33
Comments: Thank you for sharing with us beautiful thoughs! Sometimes it helps so much, it is like giving positive energy. Congratulations for your site!
Name: Woody
Website: Woody tyson's homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Illinois
Time: 2000-05-28 02:30:16
Comments: nice site.
Name: Dog Lover Cat Hater
Referred by: SimpleNet
From: California
Time: 2000-05-25 20:39:30
Name: Racheal
Website: the exclusive page of redgirl
Referred by: Clicked on our Banner Advertisement
From: Alabama
Time: 2000-05-25 11:34:09
Comments: i would just like to say thanx for the use of your great graphics. i will be using backgrounds 24, 41, 52, 60. please feel free to visit my site and see how they are being used. thanx again!
Name: Cathy
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Modesto, Ca
Time: 2000-05-24 20:11:57
Comments: I am glad that I found other's that share in my sense of humor. Keep up the good work.
Name: Lou
Website: Marriage doing it God's way
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Ohio
Time: 2000-05-24 09:15:11
Comments: hey I love it! I really do! Look at my page and you'll know why! Its a subject near and dear to my heart!
Name: Reginald Almarines
Referred by: AOL
From: Tustin, California
Time: 2000-05-24 08:10:43
Comments: Thank God, you have this website! Just wondering, why there is no duckpin center or better still, no duckpin bowling here in sunny California? I have not played this game, since 1983! 'Wish that California will wake up, and have this game started.
Total: 1850 guests