Total: 1400 guests

Name: Diane
Website: Birklea Web Graphics
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: England, UK
Time: 1999-09-28 04:29:42
Comments: Thank you for sharing so much. I appreciate your love and passion for this medium as I am the same - can't speak enough about it! Loved your Diana, Princess of Wales tribute. Kind regards Diane

Name: Brittany
Website: Britt's Page In Cyberspace
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: IL
Time: 1999-09-25 18:46:45
Comments: Hey. Awesome website! I love the giggles & grins part! Especially the blonde jokes. I'm a big fan of blonde jokes and I read some I'd never heard before!

Name: Leslie Wheeler
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: San Antonio, Texas
Time: 1999-09-25 15:27:54
Comments: My sister and I have talked about doing a cookie exchange for a couple of years, but haven't yet. I decided now that I am settled in a new home I will host it and make sure we get it done this year. We had heard of the idea several years ago from out next door neighbor who participates in one herself. We are looking forward to it and I'm sure your website will give me some additional ideas. Thanks!

Name: Adrea and Robyn Blah girls
Website: blah
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: blah Illinois
Time: 1999-09-25 03:42:16

Name: izzy
Website: beer bitch's place
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: half-assed Nebraska, usa
Time: 1999-09-24 14:38:46
Comments: i like your proverbs...very funny! great page! _izzy_

Name: Tammy Harris
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: Originally from Baltimore, moved to Jacksonville, Florida August 1998. There's no place like home.
Time: 1999-09-23 16:10:42
Comments: Very nice site Robin. I really enjoyed reading about my home state of Maryland. I miss the Orioles alot, I try to catch them when I can on TV. Thank you for educating other people about Mayland

Name: Cap't Ziggy
Website: The Virtual Bachelor Pad
Referred by: From an Award RW gave
From: Detroit, the murder capital
Time: 1999-09-21 15:32:24
Comments: nice style. I enjoyed the visit. It always shows when someone has fun building their site....Cap't Zig

Name: DUKE
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
Time: 1999-09-21 10:51:42

Name: Vic
Website: Romantic Poems by Vic
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Tennessee
Time: 1999-09-20 22:55:55
Comments: I think you do very nice work and I like your backgrounds very much.:) VIC

Name: Tony
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: N.Y.State
Time: 1999-09-18 20:10:09
Comments: Great page. Brings back alot of memories. Makes me wish I was a kid again to re-live the memories. Keep up the good work. I will link you page to mine shortly.

Name: UnknownProgrammer
Website: Hippie Certification Test
Referred by: I knew you when
From: California
Time: 1999-09-18 14:09:14
Comments: Well designed by whomever hahaah

on by the Hippie Certification Page when you get a chance.

Name: Asrin Ajis
Website: Nabawan Website
Referred by: From an Award RW received
From: Sabah Malaysian Borneo
Time: 1999-09-18 08:25:05
Comments: Great Site and Very Cool.

Name: Mary Lykins
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Kentucky
Time: 1999-09-15 20:30:43
Comments: Bless you for the candy cane recipe. I made them when my kids were little and now that they are grown they want to make them too, but I lost the recipe. Glad I came to your page. Mary

Name: Kathleen
Website: Mabou Meets the Enterprise!
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: British Columbia Canada
Time: 1999-09-14 20:20:46
Comments: Wow, what a great website! I love it Robin :-)

Name: Truman
Website: Truman's Turf
Referred by: Crescendo Cool Site
From: Nevada
Time: 1999-09-12 22:25:03
Comments: Really nice web site!!
Glad I found your link.

Name: Claude Poirier
Website: Claude's Fun Time Newscast
Referred by: Crescendo Cool Site
From: Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada
Time: 1999-09-12 02:23:50
canadaGreetings from Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canadaontario

Hello. I must say this site is very cool. Crescendo makes the visit especially enjoyable. I am going to keep on perfecting my own page so that one day it may become at least half as good as Thank you for being so talented and thank you for sharing your abilities with the whole world.

Claude's Fun Time Newscast

Name: kacey
Website: Kacey's Corner
Referred by: LOTH
From: Myrtle Beach, S.C.
Time: 1999-09-11 21:00:22
Comments: Robin, I see more and more of your life whenever I use your graphics. From one Marylander to another...isn't that Bay seafood the best? I assume you've eaten at Crisfields..the greatest! Thanks for all your providing me with the best graphics anywhere!

Name: Laura
Website: Thoughts of You
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Missouri, United States
Time: 1999-09-11 17:22:44
Comments: I think your site is fantastic!! I'm trying to set up a homepage and the information on your site has helped tremendously! Thank you!!

Name: Alessandro Damiani
Website: Fortress Chess
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Switzerland (but I am Italian)
Time: 1999-09-09 17:31:16
Comments: I was looking for free graphics to add to my homepage. I like the atmosphere on your pages!

Name: Wendy Lyn Frenkel
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Atlanta, GA
Time: 1999-09-09 09:59:18
Comments: I have never signed a guestbook before (unless you count my little cousins)Frankly I have not found a site worthy of the time. I have learned so much from your site and spent days looking around. I should thank you for providing such a useful tool for the world. I have found sites that have useful info but they are a snooz. I work for a web site hosting company and am learning all I can as far as site design and graphics. You have inspired me I would love to be just half as good as you. I am trying to learn how to make themes and I would love to give you a run for your money but your's are the best I have seen so I won't get my hopes up but like I said you have certainly inspired me. Thank you for the site

Name: James Farrell
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1999-09-08 18:09:26
Comments: This is the best website I have seen......... The graphics..... amazed me you have........ the colors. the size. everything is readable. no flaws in the music... astounding :-) not too many photos......... and not too much verse :-)

Name: Joyce
Website: Jad1234's Tiny Homepage
Referred by: From a Webring
From: Mass
Time: 1999-09-08 14:12:41
Comments: Nice site!!!!

Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
Time: 1999-09-07 12:31:22

Name: bouncer
Website: Web Rebel (duh)
Referred by: I knew you when
From: Louisville, KY
Time: 1999-09-05 15:14:18
Comments: Put some work into this didn't you?

Name: CC
Website: CC's Cozy Corner
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: NC
Time: 1999-09-04 12:37:03
Comments: Just wanted to drop in and let you know that I trully enjoyed my visit here ...Also, while I am here I wanted to leave you this invite to a wonderful webring for moms! Just click on the invite! Hope we hear from you soon....CC

Name: Randy
Referred by:
From: Northeast
Time: 1999-09-04 12:16:55
Comments: Robin, Incredibly great site. my congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: DAD
Referred by: I knew you when
Time: 1999-09-03 21:13:12
Comments: Hey Rob. I'm checking on you!

Name: Tara Kirkland
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Bridgewater,VA
Time: 1999-09-03 17:34:32
Comments: I'm 12, and I go to Word Ministries,Christian Outreach Church I think your frog story is very cute,and has very a good moral I gotta go..... T@R@

Name: Insane_Homeboy
Website: Jokes and More | The Home of All That's funny
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: Jamaica
Time: 1999-09-01 16:27:52
Comments: nice site.I really love it.

Name: ~*Debi*~
Website: **Debi's Super-Cool Page!**
Referred by: LOTH
From: Sacramento, CA
Time: 1999-08-31 15:20:30
Comments: Hi Robin! What a lovely page you have here! I am also a collector, my husband gets very annoyed with me when I bring home MORE Sailor Moon toys, or Beanies, or scrapbook materials, or....well, the list goes on! Anyway, I'll be back to visit, I want to see it all!!!
Visit Debi's Page!
Wind to thy wings!

Name: Theresa Belniak
Website: Bowlers Association of Connecticut
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Connecticut
Time: 1999-08-30 22:00:18
Comments: I was searching on the go network for duckpin bowling and up you came. I was wondering where you are from, do you bowl in leagues? What made you include duckpins in your webpage. I'm thrilled you did. The more on our sport out there, the better. Email me back. I can put you page on mine and vice versa if you wish. Thanks, Theresa Belniak

Name: George Cadero
Website: Gecadero's Midi Page
Referred by: I knew you when
From: Pacific Northwest
Time: 1999-08-30 11:10:52
Comments: Hi Robin, long time no see. I still have your Award on my site. Just dropping by to say HI ! Wow, you've been busy here, looks good. Get rid of Cressendo though. :)

Name: RuthB
Website: Parenting With an Illness
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: Canada-living in FLA
Time: 1999-08-30 04:13:32
Comments: Really beautiful graphics!I wanted to wait before signing your guestbook till I used one of your graphics atleast,and than you could come see.Well so far I used one of your backgrounds,for my second awards page,but as my page that was susposed to be small grows,I'm sure I will be using more.My teen daughter is driving me nuts,theres this flying rainbow colored butterfly,she found at another site,but I wont let her post it until we can credit someone,any idea's?
Parenting With an Illness

Name: Sarah Hargood
Website: Cuties home
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: New Zealand
Time: 1999-08-29 03:27:24
Comments: I love this page its so funny!!!you should put heaps more on there they make me laugh so hard my head can fall off hehehe!!!!!

Name: Anna Marie
Referred by: From a Webring
From: Montana
Time: 1999-08-27 18:05:39
Comments: Your Web is one of the nicest on the net I spent a lot of time looking and I'm sure I'll be back. I borrowed one of your sets to use on my web, it isn't published yet but I will be sure and leave a link to your beautiful work. Thank you.

Name: Karen Brown - Leader Troop 2097
Website: Girl Scout Troop 2097
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Michigan
Time: 1999-08-27 01:51:07
Comments: I have your graphics on my web page. I would like to say that it makes my page look very nice, and what Girl Scouting should be. I hope what I did was right. You may contact me, and maybe even have to help me, if I did something wrong. My girls worked very hard on their page. They are very proud of the fact of what they have done. Thank you from them for the very pretty graphics. Karen Brown - Leader Troop 2097

Name: rosa brown
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: garden city , michigan
Time: 1999-08-26 22:43:25
Comments: i just loved your jokes, i like them raunchy

Name: Elisabetta
Website: Angelic Creations
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: PA
Time: 1999-08-26 18:47:20
Comments: Your graphics are really cool! In fact, so cool, I used the opalbar on one of my pages. And yes I gave you your "props" :-) I used it on my Guardian Angels of the Road page. That exact url is Thanks! And it would be really cool if you stopped by and signed my guestbook too!

Name: Chritine Henzel
Website: Brownie Troop 1459
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: Hazel Park, Michigan
Time: 1999-08-26 15:52:03
Comments: Excellent work, it will make a great addition to my site!! Your work on the psychedelic background is excellent. I also used that on my site. Keep up the good work.

Name: Merv
Website: home page
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Queensland Australia
Time: 1999-08-25 08:56:55
Comments: Enjoyed reading your history. I will come back and continue going through your site. God bless.

Name: Crystal
Referred by: Someone told me to come here
From: Kansas
Time: 1999-08-24 01:03:50
Comments: I haven't got to see everything yet, but the marriage tips my daughter recommended, were very refreshing! We can get so caught up in the LIFE stuff & forget to practice those precious things that money can't buy, THANKS. I tried to get my husband to read it but he's content at being the way we are, I desire to refurbish that

Name: Babble420
Website: Babble420's Homepage
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Virginia
Time: 1999-08-23 17:49:33
Comments: I really like your theme sets and would like to use some on my homepages..I have just started a new set of pages and I happened to come across your page...Very well done.... Thanx

Name: Mick White
Website: Mick & Sandy's Home Page
Referred by: From a Webring
From: Kent, Washington
Time: 1999-08-23 17:27:01
Comments: What an awesome page you have. I could spend hours just getting ideas. I thought I had some talent but after seeing your page I just evolved back to the Dark Ages..... Well maybe not that bleak..hahaha...take care!

Name: Dahlia225
Website: Dahlia's Gardens
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: TN
Time: 1999-08-23 14:30:33
Comments: Robin I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful gardens.I just sort of was surfing and ended up here.I myself am an avid gardener and just love to visit everyones gardens.Thank you for sharing.

Name: Brad
Website: Brad's Rainbow Pride Gifts
Referred by: A basic Web Search
From: Home of Thomas Jefferson & UVA - Charlottesville, VA
Time: 1999-08-23 11:52:53
Comments: Robin, you've been a great help to me! I want to thank you and let you know that I greatly appreciate all that you've done. For those reading this, let me explain real quickly: a couple of months back I found Robin's site and "stole" one of her theme sets. What's wrong with that? Well, I have my own business and, had I read her rules and regulations, I would have known that this is a big no-no! Fortunately for me, Robin forgave me and has, since, been great and has helped me out tremendously. If you visit my site, you will see some of the wonderful work that she has done. Thanks, Robin - you can always count on me to come to you for all my web design needs!

Name: DreadlessRrasta
Referred by: From someone's guestbook
From: Jamaica/Chicago
Time: 1999-08-22 03:45:04
Comments: Great website!! I will be back!

Name: GrannyDancer
Website: GrannyDancer's World - A Victorian Family Home
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: Delaware, USA
Time: 1999-08-20 19:48:58
Comments: I have truly enjoyed checking out your marvelous graphics!!

Name: GrannyDancer
Website: GrannyDancer's World - A Victorian Family Home
Referred by: A link on Someone's Site
From: Delaware, USA
Time: 1999-08-20 19:45:36
Comments: I have truly enjoyed checking out your marvelous graphics!!

Name: Kelly Wade
Website: About me!
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Cheyenne, OK
Time: 1999-08-19 23:17:44
Comments: I just happened to come here looking for angels, But I was pleasantly surprised with the main page, This is very well done. I am learning web design in my spare time. DO you have any suggestions. My pages are pretty simple. I would love to design for a living someday! Also designed Let me know what you think. Kelly

Name: Kelly Wade
Website: About me!
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: Cheyenne, OK
Time: 1999-08-19 23:19:56
Comments: I just happened to come here looking for angels, But I was pleasantly surprised with the main page, This is very well done. I am learning web design in my spare time. DO you have any suggestions. My pages are pretty simple. I would love to design for a living someday! Also designed Let me know what you think. Kelly

Name: Heather
Website: Dragon Realm
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: U.S.
Time: 1999-08-19 17:53:55
Comments: I like your graphics-I'm using them on I'm also linked to you there.

Name: Heather
Website: Dragon Realm
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: U.S.
Time: 1999-08-19 17:53:37
Comments: I like your graphics-I'm using them on I'm also linked to you there.

Name: Heather
Website: Dragon Realm
Referred by: Just surfed on in!
From: U.S.
Time: 1999-08-19 17:50:17
Comments: I like your graphics-I'm using them on I'm also linked to you there.

Total: 1400 guests