
Terms of Use for Robin's Graphics
Welcome to the free graphics portion of my site. There are a lot of different
possible designs awaiting your homepage (or commercial site) in here. I offer
backgrounds, theme sets, bars, buttons, some animations, psychedelics, custom
designs and website development for small businesses.
Please read carefully BEFORE entering graphics site:
Downloading my graphics means you agree to the Terms of Use.
My graphics are "Link-Ware". The concept of "link-ware" is simple:
If you use them, you give a link back to my site,
via a matching logo button on the bottom of each and
every page that you use my images on.
Homepages, Educational sites AND Commercial Sites many use my Linkware
Graphics. If you don't want graphics that have been used by thousands
of other people, there is a new section called EXCLUSIVE GRAPHICS.
They're not Linkware, have never been used before and are For EXLUSIVE
USE only to one person or entity. [Even though you pay for the
Exclusive rights to use a design, I still retain the copyrights to my art.
They may not be altered without my persmission or posted in collections,
on the web, CD-rom, etc.]
Please, NO ALTERING of my graphics, with the exception of adding text
to link buttons and banners. Contact
me to discuss specific needs for customized graphics, my prices are
reasonable and affordable.
Pornographic sites please refrain from using my graphics.
DO NOT Include Robin's Graphic Images In Another Collection or Archive. They
are watermarked, copyright protected and legal action can be taken if you
Please register to use/borrow my graphics --by filling out the forms on the
sets pages, or by emailing me or leave a message in my guestbook. Registering
does NOT mean monetary payment. It merely means I want to know who is using
and where they are located, that's all.
If you like my style enough to use my lovingly crafted, original graphics,
please be kind enough to let me know. I will give a link back to your site
on my Graphics Users Showcase page.
After all these rules and words, the bottom line is this:
Link the graphics back here and tell me. And to all those special
people who have linked back properly, "Thank-you very, very much!" and "have
fun" visiting my graphics section.
Due to excessive bandwidth use, which is caused by people linking directly
to the graphics on my server, I have been forced to put my entire graphics
collection in a password protected directory. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
Thank you for taking the time to read the terms
before entering the graphics section. |
lowercase only
Can't find what you want here?
Try the Graphics Ring Search Engine
Cannot find what you want here?
Try the Graphics Ring Search Engine
Please don't take the graphics
that make up the display of my graphics site. Thank you. Graphics and
Content Copyright 1997 Robin L. Olson, Robin's Web, All Rights